June 15, 2014 Hand Position As I expect you to have some playing experience already and, therefore, your own habits and preferences, my rules for hand position ar...
June 14, 2014 The 90 Degree Rule My sitting position uses one concept: the 90 degree rule . Your feet should be flat on the floor. Your knees should be at a 90 degree angle...
June 13, 2014 Classical Guitar Notation Classical Guitar music often includes both right-and left hand fingerings in its notation. These are a little awkward to read at first, bu...
June 12, 2014 Alternate Position Alternate Position. A variation on standard: The footstool is higher, and the guitar is resting on the knee in a different location...
June 11, 2014 Standard Position The Standard method for holding the classical guitar is to place it across the left leg hand,using footstool,elevate the leg to a point whe...
June 10, 2014 Fingernails Too much emphasis gets placed on right-hand fingernail shape when people are starting to play classical or fingerstyle guitar. I think that ...